Author: Gabriel Persechino-Forest     Published: May 25th, 2021

Berserk manga author Kentaro Miura died at age 54 on May 6th at 2:48 p.m. as a result of acute aortic dissection; a private service was held by his family.

An obituary was posted by Hakusensha:

Manga artist Kentaro Miura passed away at 14:48 on May 6, 2021 due to acute aortic dissection. He was 54.
We would like to express our deepest respect and appreciation for his artistic work and pray that his soul rests in peace.

Miura’s family held a funeral.

Kentaro Miura worked on his series Berserk, and many other popular stories for Hakusensha over the years. Berserk is currently serialized in the Young Animal comics, and Dur-An-Ki has been on the Young Animal Zero, starting two years ago.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers for having loved his works. Please accept our most heartfelt condolences on his passing.


All personnel in the Young Animal Editing Department are deeply disturbed and saddened by the sudden death of Kentaro Miura.

We have been at a loss as to how to cope with this painful reality. We just cannot find the words to be honest. Our memories of him are delightful and filled with his smile from the times when we were together; he always talked so happily about his favorite comics, cartoons, and movies. We had honestly never seen him angry or upset. He was a happy person with the heart of a young boy.

We would like all his fans and persons related to imagine him smiling joyfully and pray silently with us for the repose of his soul. We appreciate your kind understanding.

Sincerely, Young Animal Editing Department


Source: Comic Natalie, Hakusensha, Berserk Volume 1 Cover and Kentarou Miura Picture