Author: Gabriel Persechino-Forest Published: December 6th, 2018
We have just added a new feature to our website: A chart that follows DVD and blu-ray releases of anime series and movies for up to 4 months in advance. It keeps track of releases from North America, the United Kingdom, Australia and France.
The chart will list whether or not the title is subtitled and/or dubbed and will reveal format (DVD/BD), prices (In country of origin’s currency), runtime and release date.
Here you can access the main page for the physical release charts; which explains how our listing works.
And here you can access the pages of the actual charts for the months of December, January, February and March.
When your are on Sakura Anime News’ home page, the charts can be accessed in a menu on the right margin of the website, right underneath the search bar and above the subscription button.
The charts will be updated regularly with new information so be sure to consult them often to be on top of what the physical market has to offer.